About us


All board members and employees of Kadoya Sesame Mills Inc. are conscious of their social responsibilities as members of a company engaged in the food business, which concerns human health, will comply with all laws and regulations, and behave in a socially responsible manner as outlined below under the management creed of “Contributing to a healthier and richer dietary life for people due to offering safe, secure and valuable sesame products, while keeping sincere gratitude for customers in mind.”

1. Providing safe, secure and high quality products.

We will develop and provide safe, secure and high quality products to customers due to virtue of our superior technology and wealth of experience.

2. Ensuring fair, free and transparent competition.

We will comply with the Anti-Monopoly Act and other relevant laws and regulations, and ensure fair, free and transparent competition and proper trade. We will also maintain healthy and normal relationships with governments and other public organizations.

3. Providing proper and appropriate disclosure of corporate information.

We will provide proper and appropriate disclosure of corporate information to stakeholders, including customers, shareholders and investors.

4. Adopting a proactive stance on environmental problems.

We will recognize the importance of environmental problems and proactively engage in countermeasures, including effective utilization and recycling of resources, energy conservation, and reduction and proper disposal of waste generated during manufacturing processes.

5. Implementing safety measures for the workplace.

We will strive to prevent industrial accidents and ensure work safety at the workplace.

6. Creating a workplace where each employee can develop his / her personality and abilities.

We will respect the human rights of each employee and aim to create a workplace where each employee can maximize their personality, motivation and abilities.

7. Valuing exchanges with the local community.

We will endeavor to deepen ties with the local community as a good corporate citizen, and contribute to society through participation in local community activities.

8. Rejecting antisocial elements in society.

We will reject antisocial elements that threaten social order and healthy corporate activities, and never acquiesce to unreasonable demands.

9. Contributing to the development of all affiliated countries and communities.

We will comply with laws and regulations all over the world pertaining to conducting business in foreign countries, and also respect local cultures and customs and contribute to their development.

10. Managing confidential information properly.

We will properly manage personal information and confidential information related to sales activities, know-how and similar. We will never use illegally or leak to third parties any such information.

All board members and executives fully recognize that realizing the spirit of this Corporate Behavior Charter is their role, and will take the initiative in promoting and keeping everyone informed about it. Should any incident in violation of this Corporate Behavior Charter occur, all employees will work together to solve the problem, investigate its cause and prevent any recurrence. Moreover, accountability will be achieved through prompt and proper disclosure of the problem both internally and externally, and the employee(s) concerned, including even the president, will be harshly dealt with.

Established: May 24, 2006
Revised: March 28, 2008

Atsushi Kume,President and Ceo
Kadoya Sesame Mills Inc.

About us

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